Supervisor for a Senior Driver

senior driverQuestion: A dear senior friend who was called for a re-examination failed the road test. That friend has now been issued a learner driver's licence which requires them to be supervised by a fully licensed adult driver. What is the legal responsibility of said driver supervisor?

What Pedestrian Signals Mean

image of typical pedestrian signalsThis week's correspondence contained a request to explain what pedestrian signals mean. The gentleman who sent me the e-mail expressed the opinion that many people either did not know what pedestrian signals mean or choose to deliberately disobey them. Would I please explain so that they would know what to do.

ICBC Year in Review 2024

ICBC LogoICBC has published a year in review for 2024 on it's website. According to the review overall customer satisfaction for Autoplan services was 85%, driver licensing services was 74% and claims services was 75%. $51 million was invested to create safer roads, sidewalks, and communities across British Columbia.

Trip Inspection Report Standards

image of truck tractorTrip inspection report standards for commercial and business vehicles in B.C. are defined in both National Safety Code 13 and the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations. Daily pre- and post-trip inspections of these vehicles are mandated to insure safety by identifying and repairing defects that would cause a collision or result in a breakdown before driving.

Driving an Unfamiliar Newer Car

image of danger signWhen I was younger and worked in a service station, we never worried about driving the vehicles that we were repairing. Out on a road test, they all behaved the same. Press on the accelerator or brakes, steer and shift as required. That's not the case today as it could be dangerous to drive an unfamiliar new car.