
Information related to cycling.

Q&A - Reserved Lane Use

Bicycle Lane SignQUESTION: I have been driving home on Rupert Street in Vancouver lately and there are some lane markings I am not clear about. Between 12th ave and about Kingsway there is a narrow right hand lane that has a bicycle and a white diamond, there is no other signage. Are motorcycles allowed to use this lane because they regularly do.

REPORT - Pedaling Towards Equity

HUB Cycling LogoHUB Cycling has released a report titled Pedaling Towards Equity - Analyzing Transportation Access in Metro Vancouver's Cycling Network. HUB Cycling is a charitable not-for-profit organization that has spent over 25 years removing barriers to cycling in Metro Vancouver while cultivating the health, environmental, and economic benefits that active transportation can bring.

READING - Bicycle Facility Implementation

CyclistThe Minnesota Department of Transportation has published a Bicycle Facility Implementation Quick Reference Guide that is meant to serve as a simple reference to that state's Bicycle Facility Design Manual. The quick reference will help local agencies to quickly navigate to reliable and current resources necessary to determine bicycle facility selection, design process, and operations and safety.