Is It Safe to Open Your Door?

Open Car DoorImagine the surprise of the motorist at a collision I once investigated. He parked at the side of the road, opened his door, and a passing car tried to tear it off! It's a good thing he didn't step out while he opened it.

What went wrong here? The motorist didn't look first, or didn't see what was overtaking him. He probably felt safe in the fact that he had stopped close to the curb and was out of harm's way.

ICBC Video on Opening Your Door

Check Your Mirror

In the case of a driver or front seat passenger, there is a mirror present to help see if anything is overtaking the vehicle before you open the door. A quick shoulder check is also a good preventative measure to turn into a habit.

For back seat passengers the rear roof pillar and lack of a mirror can make this task almost impossible.

Do the Dutch Reach

The Dutch Reach is the best solution for all vehicle occupants use. Open the door with the hand that is on the opposite side of your body from it. This forces your body to rotate to the left and allows you to look backward through the gap before it opens very far. If something is there, hopefully there is enough room to avoid a crash.

Beware of Cycle Lanes

Today's highways are no longer designed so that traffic is always on the left side of a parked vehicle. Be cautious of cycle lanes that may be on the right side of parking areas.

Failing to look or see when you open your door poses a significant threat to cyclists often referred to as dooring or being doored. They must use the right hand edge of the roadway and are difficult to see because of their size. The cyclist that slams into an opening car door can be seriously injured.

Cycle lanes designed without a buffer do not eliminate the hazard.

Getting Into Your Vehicle

Opening a door from the outside can be a problem as well. It is not uncommon to see a driver walk up to their vehicle and open the door to enter without giving any thought to overtaking traffic. Passing vehicles may be forced to move to the left or stop in order to avoid a collision.

The Law

Section 203 of the Motor Vehicle Act forbids opening the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so. Once a door on that side is open, it must not be left open for longer than is required to load or unload passengers.

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i live by the motto that if you are not constantly learning, you are not living! My father (a salesman) opened his door on a down hill slope on hastings in vancouver 50 years ago, and a bicyclist went through his door window.  the “dutch door “ method is my lesson for the day, and i know my peoples eyes will roll when i share it with everyone, but that’s how i roll! As a retired first responder, i have attended many calls, a lot in my personal vehicle… if alone, i use the block method of parking, if my family is with me, i park past the scene, a long way past. i’ve seen too many people hurt while trying help at accidents.

I parked my car on 41st facing west about 4 blocks from Granville.  I walked to my car and all was clear so I put a bag in the trunk.  Then I moved to the left side of my car and a bus went by.  If I had opened my door I would have been hit!  I sat in my car and reflected on that for a moment. The next time I drove west on 41 st I noticed a no parking sign; a coincidence?

The best way to approach the vehicle before opening the driver's door is going to vary. Not because something or someone had to be put in the trunk or in the passenger compartment.

It will depend on the driver's knowledge beforehand of which direction they will first move the vehicle. If it was left nose-first into the driveway, for instance, then the correct approach is to walk around the back of the vehicle to check for obstacles before getting in and reversing. But if parked parallel to the curb on the street, in preparation for moving the car forwards, then the only correct approach is to walk from the front of the vehicle toward the driver's door (if you put something in the trunk, that means you then circle the vehicle counter-clockwise, not walk the shortest route in ignorance).

This has nothing to do with whether they erect parking restrictions or place bus routes; it has everything to do with safety, in every respect. Yours, and others'.