Making a Proper Stop. How Hard Can It Be?

Stop SignIt doesn't take much to amuse a retired traffic cop. I was parked waiting for my wife and had about 15 minutes to watch traffic at a T intersection marked with a stop line, crosswalk and stop sign. Traffic on the city side street was steady as it was dusk and near the end of another business day. During the time I watched, not one driver came to a proper stop.

Mobility Scooters - Use, Misuse and Abuse

Covered ScooterLife must present quite a challenge when you are no longer able to walk very far under your own power. The mobility scooter is a blessing for those who can afford one. It gives much greater range than predecessors that were powered for however long your arms could push. In fact, I checked a man zooming down the side of a freeway in a shiny new one.

CASE LAW - Ziemer v Wheeler

BC Courts Coat of ArmsHarris Wheeler was driving northbound on Highway 97 south of Taylor, B.C. when his vehicle collided with a moose. Shortly afterward Aron Walter, driving southbound, struck that moose which was then laying on the highway. That collision caused his vehicle to cross over the center line where he struck a vehicle driven by Raymond Ziemer head on.

Q&A - Slow Down Move Over Ticket

Q&A ImageI was caught by surprise, and although I realize ignorance of a law is no defence, I wonder how I might have known about this change in BC traffic law.  I had moved away from BC in 2001, not returning until 2012.  When I returned to BC in 2012, I was given a BC drivers licence again, but no info about any changes in traffic regulations which had happened while I was away.  Apparently in 2009 or so, MVA Regulation