DO SOMETHING! (But Don't Ask Me to Help)

Q&A ImageQuestion: I just phoned Abbotsford police about a driver of a Nissan GTR license plate 735-TRB that passed me at about 160 kmh on Riverside road. They say there is nothing they can do with the report unless I am willing to go to court. I have a life and work and am not making my wages for the day if I to go to court.

Is there no way that information on this driver can be carried forward in case of any future infractions actually witnessed by the police? I thought there was a reporting form for ICBC, if there is it is definitely not clear on their website.

Making an Effective Driving Complaint

I've written about making an effective complaint to police already. Check it out to learn what the level of your involvement will produce in the way of results. Abbotsford PD was right, without you in court the worst that they can do is send a warning letter to the registered owner unless they can catch the driver in the act.

Reporting for Information Only

This information is essentially useless in future encounters with police except perhaps for the officer to make note of and reconsider issuing a warning for bad driving. Since no investigation was done because you did not participate, they don't know who the driver was.

Who does the information you provided really apply to?

ICBC Doesn't Take Driving Complaints

ICBC isn't interested in this information either, except perhaps in relation to a collision if the driving behaviour led up to one and it was one of the behaviours the law allows them to deny a claim for.

In short, if you aren't willing to get involved, nothing of any consequence will happen to the driver.

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Today or in the near future, say that Nissan you didn't report, because you can't take a few minutes of your precious time, Kills someone you know, or maybe one of your family members, anyone for that matter.

Take a moment to consider your inaction,,,,,Now take a moment to consider how you might feel now,,,,,I am betting that you would do anything to turn back time NOW! And that now you wished you had taken a few minutes of your time,as this may have ultimately saved a life.I am thinking that you might have trouble living with yourself.

Don,t confuse this to me thinking that every little thing wrong you see you must report,as then you might as well become an enforcement officer, I am talking this is by how you explained it,an Excessive Case,The extreme end of the scale. Obviously the driver you saw has little or no respect for human life driving like that in traffic. And action should be taken.

You might want to reconsider taking those few minutes to pursue this matter VS someone that now is dead and leaving family and friends with life altering effects that will last longer than your few precious minutes it will take to follow up on what you witnessed.