ROAD SAFETY AT WORK - Assessing and Improving Employee Driving Skills

Road Safety at Work LogoHere is an important question for you as an employer: Do you know why it is important for you to know what driving skills and behaviours your employees have? The short answer is that you have a legal duty to insure that your employees are qualified to carry out their assigned driving tasks.

How do you go about protecting your employees, your company and yourself from legal liabilities that might bite if you ignore those duties?

Road Safety at Work has a free 5 lesson on line course to help you:

  1. The Importance of Assessing Employee Driving Skills
  2. Document Checks and Online Tests
  3. Behind the Wheel Assessments
  4. Helping Employees Build Competencies
  5. Summary

The course will take between 1.5 and 2 hours to complete.