Traffic Tickets

Information related to traffic tickets and traffic court.

Your Day in Traffic Court

Scales of Justice"I'll see you in traffic court!" This hollow threat often ended conversations at the roadside after a driver was issued a traffic ticket for a violation. I knew that few of them would actually carry out their intention and if they did, there would probably be no coherent defence made.

Penalty Points and How They Affect You

Ticket WriterI’ve always understood penalty points to be a kind of score keeping method to assign a level of risk to the breach of a traffic rule. The more dangerous the violation, the more penalty points that would be assigned to a driving conviction. Rack up too many points in a set period of time and you would have to pay ICBC premiums and risk a driving prohibition from RoadSafetyBC.

CASE LAW - R v Robinson

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of R v Robinson involves disobeying a traffic control device at the intersection of Maclure Road and Babich Street in Abbotsford. In this instance, the traffic control device was the speed limit sign for the road that Mr. Robinson was driving on. The ticket alleged that he had failed to obey a traffic control device, but said nothing further.

E Ticketing and Ticket Dispute Adjudication

Question MarkThis article was written in May of 2015 when there was a brief flurry in the media about the implementation of electronic traffic tickets and dispute adjudication replacing traffic court. Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act to allow these changes were made in 2012, but fast forward to March 2022 and no changes to traffic ticket disputes have occurred.

How Many Traffic Tickets Did Police Write?

officer writing traffic ticketsIn the past, if you were curious to find out about the traffic tickets issued by B.C. law enforcement officers you could either read a PDF document published by ICBC or make a request for specific information from their stored data. The trouble was, sometimes those information requests took a significant period of time to fill and you had to know how to manipulate the information once you had received it.