Road Safety Programs

Information related to road safety programs.

NEWS - May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

MotorcycleSorry Mate, I Didn't See You! This is probably the biggest concern among motorcycle riders everywhere and with good reason. Last year in B.C., 1,600 motorcyclists were injured in 2,600 crashes. In addition, on average, 34 riders die in crashes each year on our roads. This is what a snapshot looks like today.

RESEARCH - Social Norming Used to Improve Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian CrossingThe City of St. Paul, Minnesota has created an innovative program to increase driver compliance with the requirement to yield to pedestrians at unsignalized marked crosswalks in the city. Prior to this initiative, The study initially observed 32% of drivers yielding and frequent multiple threat passing incidents.

RESOURCE - Walk, Roll, Map

Walk, Roll, Map is a crowdsourcing tool for mapping micro barriers to accessible walking and rolling. What is a micro barrier? Anything that makes it harder (or maybe even impossible!) to walk or roll safely or comfortably in your community. It might be a missing crosswalk, uneven payment, or unplowed snow. Whatever it is that is getting in your way, or missing (e.g. bench or washroom) we want to know what it is and where! Mappers can also report if they’ve been hit while walking or rolling, had a near miss, or a fall.

RESOURCE - Action2Zero

Action2Zero LogoDoes your community have a road safety plan? If if does, your local government is probably ahead of most. If it doesn't, you should be asking your elected representatives why this is the case. After all, you are more likely to suffer financial loss, injury or death from a traffic related incident than you are from all other criminal actions combined.

Crowdsourcing Neighbourhood Road Safety Projects

crowdsourcing lightbulbOne definition of crowdsourcing is where an organization obtains ideas from a large, relatively open and often rapidly evolving group of participants. An example of how this can be applied to road safety is found in the Spring 2021 edition of Transportation Talk, a publication of the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers. The City of Edmonton is asking it's citizens to participate as part of it's current Safe Mobility Strategy 2021 - 2025.