VULNERABLE ROAD USERS - Limited Insurance Benefits

ICBC LogoThe August 14, 2021 edition of Global News Back on the Beat examines how the recent changes to ICBC coverage has resulted in significant difficulties for vulnerable road users, cyclists and pedestrians, if they are involved in a crash. John Daly speaks with David Hay QC, a personal injury lawyer and three cyclists who were hurt in a crash with a vehicle.

While having low ICBC rates is nice, it is beginning to look like a case of "Be careful what you ask for, you might not like what you get." These three cyclists speak of their difficulties dealing with ICBC post crash and David outlines why vulnerable road users are not being treated fairly by the no fault changes.


Now that you cannot go to the courts to address what you feel is an unfair resolution to your claim, you have access to a Civil Resolution Tribunal. The BC Trial Lawyers Association has raised concerns here too. Their web site, No To No Fault, details more examples of difficulties encountered by crash victims on it's Latest News page.

Despite Attorney General David Eby saying that he has no interest in making cyclists insure themselves, some BC cycling organizations are recommending that cyclist insure themselves.

It appears that the same difficulties are being felt by pedestrians as well.

As I have said before, the best way to reduce ICBC rates is to stop running into each other. Watching from the sidelines, it appears that government does not have much interest in reducing the driving behaviour that leads to crashes.

Learn more about ICBC Enhanced Care on their website.