VIEWPOINT - Hit Them Where it Hurts

MegaphoneI know enforcement people have become powerless in smartening up drivers, but something has gotta give. It seems a though everyone is driving on THEIR road, not OUR road. 

This mentality is shared by I'm guessing half of drivers these days, commercial and four wheelers a like. 

Driving defensively all day to save some of these people's lives is becoming a drag to say the least. I believe a new penalty system is in order, one that hits people with what they need the most, their licence. 

Fines are a cost of doing business for some commercial operators (i've actually heard that said), and the four wheelers just don't care, so lets drop the fine to $50 (for victim services) and give 1 point with a warning that the second one is going be another $50 but a 1 week suspension of your privileges. 

Should you be foolish enough to get a third one lets go for 6 months. I think sooner or later drivers will get the drift and smarten up, if not then we will need a lot more bike lanes. 

Now I realize that I.C.B.C. and the government will lose a lot of revenue from fines, but enforcement can focus on more important things. 

- Submitted by a commercial driver