Ruts in the Pavement

Q&A ImageI commute on Highway 19 daily. The road has been maintained by filling the cracks with tar rather than repaving it. In the wet weather what I'm seeing is the ruts (worn into the driven part) in the right lane are holding up to 20 mm of standing water sometimes for hundreds of meters at a time.

Too Much Exhaust Smoke

image of car emitting excessive exhaust smokeBeing caught in traffic behind a vehicle that is belching clouds of foul smelling smoke from the exhaust is not a pleasant experience. Clean air should be everyone's worry, will your vehicle make the grade?

Traffic Safety Perspectives

illustration of poor traffic safetyI am blessed with readers who send me e-mail to suggest traffic safety topics, share a story or even a bit of humour. It's the humour that triggered this column, specifically a photo of people from a third world country packed into a vehicle in a manner that would be totally unacceptable today in British Columbia.