Q&A - Pending Driving Prohibition

Q&A ImageMy spouse and I recently moved back to BC. He had a pending Driving Prohibition that had not been acknowledged since 2013. He was an N driver and was prohibited due to unsastisfactory driving record. 

At the end of July he went into ICBC after finding out while trying to switch his license over and acknowledged the suspension.

However he just received a letter in the mail dated for 5 days ago stating he needs to acknowledge and sign said letter and return. Does that mean his prohibition has not started yet? The letter states "you were sent a notice of prohibition by regular mail. In order to establish the commencement date of your prohibition, please complete the information below and return this letter to our office. I attended an insurance corportation of british columbia driver licensing center on July 26, 2017 in order to acknowledge my probition from driving"

It then states which section he is prohibited under as of july 28 to november 28.

It also asks to check off if he is surrendering his license herewith or if it was previously surrendered.

It then asks for a signature and date?

As far as I understand it, once he has acknowledged the prohibition it takes effect. There must be some documentation that was given to him when he acknowledged the prohibition.

It sounds like the letter you are speaking of is from RoadSafetyBC (aka: Superintendent of Motor Vehicles) and is confirming what he did when he was at ICBC.

My advice is to contact RoadSafetyBC directly:


Telephone: 250 387-7747

Toll-Free: 1 855 387-7747

They will be able to answer all of your questions immediately.