VIEWPOINT - Under Insured Motorist Protection

SoapboxRose Keith of the Harper Grey LLP has published a fact sheet about Under Insured Motorist Protection (UMP). UMP is meant to provide financial protection if you are involved in a collision with another driver who is either under insured or who has no insurance coverage. Prior to the latest changes to ICBC the legal counsel that I received was to buy as much UMP as I could afford.

Ms. Keith says that this advice is still valid today. If you travel outside of BC, collide with an out of province vehicle or an uninsured vehicle UMP will serve your needs.

(UMP) in British Columbia is a crucial insurance coverage which helps mitigate the burden of medical expenses and other losses resulting from such accidents.

It's funny, but if you cast your mind back over the years, there was a time when you had to check a box and for $10 you got this coverage.

After a year or two, it increased to $12.  A year or two more, and the premium went to $15.

Finally, it just got included automatically in every vehicle owner's package. One of the smartest things ICBC ever did for their customers.