
Information related to driver behaviour.

READING - Evaluation of Retroreflective Material on Stop Sign Posts

VTRC LogoThe Virginia Transportation Research Council looked at the addition of reflective stripes to the posts holding up stops signs and then studied driver behaviour. They found that the signs were easier to see in the daylight if the post did not have the stripe installed. The opposite was true at night. However, the conclusion of whether the treatment was useful or not did not surprise me.

RESEARCH - Parents (and Other Adults) as Teachers of Traffic Safety

Pedestrians Hold HandsHow did you influence your children to be safe road users? This research report by the British Department for Transport looks at how parents and other adults influence youth between birth and 16 years of age. While these adults see themselves as being responsible, the most common pedestrian tactic is to hold the child's hand.

RESEARCH - Effectiveness of Behavioral Highway Safety Countermeasures

NCHRP LogoA significant part of highway safety program activities is devoted to behavioral countermeasures. These include the entire driver control system—from training and licensing to laws and enforcement and sometimes culminating in fines and sanctions. Given the enormous cost of crashes and the importance of driver behavior in highway loss reduction, it is important that behavioral countermeasures be implemented as effectively as possible.

Watching from the Right Lane

Acceleration LaneI'm sure that you have already determined that if I don't write this column based on reader requests, I write about something that I have seen happen around me in traffic. This column is no different, and it is about a behaviour that struck me when I was using the freeway in Vancouver recently.

Chill Out!

Road Rage"Ah, the Christmas driving spirit is manifesting itself everywhere. I was sitting in a mall parking lot waiting for my wife and whiling away the time by watching what was going on in the vehicles around me. It was not a happy time of year for the occupants of some of them!

Setting an Example

image of speed sign The past weekend's high speed crash on the Lougheed Highway in Maple Ridge has us all shaking our heads in dismay. How could a young driver consider operating their vehicle at such speeds? Don't they know that it is dangerous to drive like this?

Driving and Cell Phones

Driving DistractionsI'm a bit surprised that I have never dealt with the subject of cell phone use while driving in this column. There has been ample opportunity, from observing drivers while I am at work, to reading reports about it from safety researchers, your suggestions, and even a comment from the judiciary about clamping down on drivers who use them when they drive.