Content supplied by or concerning the Insurance Corporation of BC

ICBC - Introducing the Street Sense Interactive Driver Training Simulation

ICBC LogoICBC has introduced a new Street Sense driver training simulation. According to ICBC's description, Street Sense is a state-of-the-art hazard perception training application that helps you identify common hazards that can be easily missed when you're on the road.

ICBC - Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT)

ICBC LogoSeptember 1, 2021 saw the implementation of a new website location and design for ICBC's driver training information. Of interest on the new site is information on teaching the new Class 1 driver Mandatory Entry Level Training known as MELT. There are already a number of driving schools that are offering MELT training and they can be found here.

VULNERABLE ROAD USERS - Limited Insurance Benefits

ICBC LogoThe August 14, 2021 edition of Global News Back on the Beat examines how the recent changes to ICBC coverage has resulted in significant difficulties for vulnerable road users, cyclists and pedestrians, if they are involved in a crash. John Daly speaks with David Hay QC, a personal injury lawyer and three cyclists who were hurt in a crash with a vehicle.

Q&A - Red Light Camera Evidence

red light camera signI’m hoping you can point me in the right direction. My daughter was grazed by a driver who sped through a red light, to be honest she feels if she’d have been walking any faster she’d have been hit and likely killed due to the speed at which the car was traveling.

This happened at the intersection of Union Rd and Glenmore Rd in Kelowna, at exactly 10:45 pm as she walked to catch a bus.

ICBC - Soon to be the Only Game in Town?

ICBC LogoBelair Direct, the auto insurance arm of Intact Insurance has announced that it will stop selling auto policies in BC effective December 1, 2020 and renewing policies on January 1, 2021. They see ICBC’s recent regulatory changes and the province’s current auto insurance market conditions as having reduced opportunities for the private sector to compete.