CASE LAW - R v Kaiser

BC Courts Coat of ArmsRichard Kaiser was ticketed for failing to slow while passing a police car while that car’s emergency lights were activated. He disputed that ticket on two grounds, the regulation offended the Charter by being too vague and that the officer was merely making notes concerning a previous violator at the time and so had entrapped Mr. Kaiser. Judge Takahashi convicted Mr. Kaiser.

Consider the Simple Traffic Sign

Pedestrian CrossingConsider the simple traffic sign or signal.  It stands by the side of the highway doing it’s job regardless of the season.  We rely on it to tell us when to stop, how fast to go, which way to turn or whether we can travel in a certain direction as well as many other controlling functions. This is a reliance that we might not consider until we run into trouble because it is lacking.

Q&A - Swinging Wide to Pass

Q&A ImageI was walking with a friend on a relatively busy road. We were walking in the white painted sidewalk portion facing traffic, so heading East towards Memorial. We were engaged in a conversation and didn’t hear the garbage truck approaching in the other lane (the right hand lane heading East) as garbage trucks do, he stopped to pick up garbage.

CASE LAW - Basi v The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles

BC Courts Coat of ArmsSpencer Basi was stopped while driving a motor vehicle under the influence of marihuana. A Standardized Field Sobriety Test was conducted after an initial questioning by the arresting officer. Mr. Basi showed symptoms consistent with marihuna impairment, was prohibited from driving for 24 hours and had his vehicle impounded for a similar time period.