VIDEO - Bicycle Safety Tips for Adults

VideoThis is a video from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the U.S., but almost all of it applies equally well to B.C. cyclists. Topics covered include choosing and making sure your bike is in good condition, safety equipment, rules of the road and safety tips to avoid collisions. Running time is 7 minutes 25 seconds.

Frustrated by Speeding and Noisy Vehicles

Q&A ImageSpeak to a large majority of homeowners and they will all tell you the same thing. Speeding and Noisy vehicles are an annoyance, especially as the warmer weather arrives. The city has a noise bylaw and there are laws under the Motor Vehicle Act that were written to make life in a community more enjoyable and maintain quality of life. Not much is being done to solve these problems.

Opening a Door on the Traffic Side

BC Courts Coat of ArmsIdris Gencoglu parked his large truck on the north side of Alberni Street in Vancouver at about 3:00 in the afternoon. He checked his rear view mirrors and opened the driver's door to exit, stepping into the street. In order to retrieve some items from the truck he had to step up onto the running board and spent some time with the driver's door open into traffic while he gathered them.

CASE LAW - R v Thompsett

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case discusses care and control of a motor vehicle while impaired. The woman, seat belted in the driver's position, was the only occupant of an idling vehicle parked at the curb. Investigation by ambulance paramedics and police revealed that the woman did not have a medical problem and was impaired by alcohol.

VIDEO - Don't Hurt the One You Love

VideoThis is a road safety campaign video from the UK, just in time for Valentine's day, aimed at teen drivers. One of the slogans used is 'More girls die as passengers than as drivers.' This is a significant idea for the female half of the equation to consider. They do need to play an active role in keeping the male focused on safe driving when necessary, obviously for their own good.

CASE LAW - R v Goldade

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis is an examination of the application of Driving Without Due Care and Attention under section 144(1)(a) of the Motor Vehicle Act. In this instance the driver of a van pulled across the path of an oncoming motorcycle because the driver, Goldade, felt that he had sufficient time to clear the motorcycle's lane before it arrived. The misjudgment precipitated a collision in which the driver of the motorcycle died.

CASE LAW - R v Drummond

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of R v Drummond examines a Charter of Rights argument that a delay of 17 months from the offence date to the trial date for a traffic violation ticket is unreasonable. Grant Drummond was served with a traffic ticket for excessive speed, tinted windows and failing to wear a seatbelt on August 1, 2007. He filed a dispute of all counts within the 30 day time period.