Stay Out of the Cone Zone

The Cone ZoneWe are very fortunate here in British Columbia when it comes to workplace safety. In general, if our workplace is not safe, we feel entitled to apply pressure to our employers to make it so. If another person's workplace is not safe we wonder why someone is not doing something about it.

RESEARCH - Driving While Fatigued

Truck TractorDriver fatigue is an important causal factor in many highway crashes—and is of particular concern in the trucking industry where many operators undertake long haul drives with limited amounts of sleep. Previous studies suggest that fatigue can affect steering performance and speed control.

VIDEO - How to Correct a Skid

VideoA professional driver gives some important tips on how to recover from a skid from Ford Motor Company's Driving Skills for Life program. It is designed to help young drivers improve their skills in four key areas that are critical factors in more than 60% of teen vehicle crashes, hazard recognition, vehicle handling, space management and speed management.

CASE LAW - R v Podger

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis is still another example of a Charter argument for unreasonable delay with regard to a dispute hearing for a traffic ticket. In this case, the delay amounted to 13 months and 3 weeks and Mr. Podger was successful in showing that the delay caused a prejudice to his ability to conduct his defence. A judicial stay of proceedings was entered on the charge.

CASE LAW - R v Pearson

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis is another case of a Charter argument over delay in proceeding to trial. The speeding ticket dispute took 17 1/2 months from offence to trial date and Mr. Pearson testified that this was too long, causing him serious prejudice. Rather than letting the judge infer the prejudice from the time period alone, Mr.

NEWS - Woman Driver Killed by Laptop

Flying LaptopWho would have thought that a laptop could turn out to be a lethal weapon? Likely not Heather Story who was involved in what would otherwise have been a survivable crash in Surrey. According to the coroner, her death was likely caused by the laptop she had on the back seat striking the back of her head during the collision.

VIDEO - Bicycle Safety Tips for Adults

VideoThis is a video from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the U.S., but almost all of it applies equally well to B.C. cyclists. Topics covered include choosing and making sure your bike is in good condition, safety equipment, rules of the road and safety tips to avoid collisions. Running time is 7 minutes 25 seconds.