Q&A - Motorcycle HOV Lane Use

motorcycleI'm kind of in a dilemma here. I understand how HOV lanes work and that motorcycles are exempt for the 2 person or more rule. My issue is with the ones in towns rather than the highways. Some of the lanes are marked only with a bicycle (which i get are for them only), but most are marked with a bicycle AND a diamond.

Backup and Docking Lights

Backup LightsAs is often the case, today's article comes from what I see around me as I drive. I was passed by a cube van with one white floodlight on the right rear illuminated. The driver of a truck tractor with no trailer pulled in front of him using the right lane and flashed his backup and docking lamps a few times.

Q&A - Red Light Camera Served to Dealership

Q&A ImageI work at a used car dealership (not the owner) doing administration. One of the dealership vehicles was on a test drive (with D plate in a bag with a plate bag pouch) and the test driver drove through a red light up the street and the red light camera took a picture. Someone from court sevices just came by and served the car dealership with a ticket as the demonstration plate belongs to the dealership.

VIDEO - The Distracted Mind

video iconThis short cartoon from Toyota and TED explains why distracted driving is a bad idea. Our brains really do not multitask, they focus on single tasks and when we try to do more than one thing at a time, break these multiple tasks into single tasks totally focused on for short periods of time.

Q&A - Right Turns From Wide Curb Lanes

Q&A ImageMy question relates to right turns. In the City of Vancouver there are a number of intersections where the roadway is of sufficient width for three lanes each way but are only striped for 2. The right lane is therefore double the width of the left lane, and generally is used to accommodate parking and bus stops. Main Street at 41st Avenue southbound is a good example.

Designated Drivers Must Obey Restrictions

New Driver SignsDrivers who are part of B.C.'s Graduated Licencing Program (GLP) are limited to the number of passengers that they are allowed to carry by a restriction on their driver's licence. This restriction is designed to minimize the driver distraction that might be caused by a carload of rambunctious friends. The only exception to this restriction is when the passengers are family members.