CASE LAW - Lewis v British Columbia (Public Safety and Solicitor General)

BC Courts Coat of ArmsDelores Lewis was required to take the computer based version of the DriveABLE test and failed. The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles directed ICBC to cancel her driver's licence. Reconsideration of this decision was possible if she was able to provide a report from her doctor indicating that she was medically fit to drive. This was provided and Ms. Lewis took the test a second time. The result of the second test indicated that her abilities had declined. Her licence remained cancelled.

Q&A - CVSE Measured Speed, RCMP Wrote Ticket.

Q&A ImageI was recently stopped for a speeding violation of going 122 kph in a 80 kph zone but I was going just slightly over 80 when I noticed the officer in the middle of the highway to wave me over and as I looked in the rear view mirror there was a black Honda approaching me at very high rated of speed suprisingly he pointed at me to pull over (I have a black VW Golf) When he approached my vehicle he told me I was going 122 kph and

Q&A - Bylaw Ticket for No Valid Licence Plate

Q&A ImageI have received a City of Richmond bylaw ticket for parking my car on the street adjacent to my driveway without displaying  a valid licence plate or decal. (by law 5870 section 12.4(t)).   I have storage insurance on the car but i had to hand in the licence plates when i cancelled the regular insurance. Should i pay it, ignore it  or do i stand a chance if i fight it?

Alcohol and the Learner Driver Supervisor

New Driver SignsYou may have seen last week's minor media tempest regarding a grandfather who had consumed a few drinks and then hopped into the passenger seat to supervise his grandson, the learner driver. They encountered a police road check and grandpa found himself on the receiving end of an Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) for blowing a fail. Who would have thought that the supervisor of a new driver needed to be sober?

CASE LAW - R v Thandi

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe officer was mistaken your worship, I was talking on my wallet, not a cell phone! This was the defense advanced before Judicial Justice of the Peace H. W. Gordon by Bhavjit Thandi after being ticketed by Cst. LeBlanc, a member of the Capital Regional District Integrated Road Safety Unit. Cst. LeBlanc had watched Mr.

I Break the Rules, But I do it Safely

AngelOne of the most common responses that I received having stopped a driver for a traffic violation was a rationalization or justification for the behaviour I observed. The driver clearly knew that what they were doing was against the traffic laws but in their minds they were still being safe. Exceeding the speed limit, slowing down for stop signs, or even driving on the wrong side of the road could be excused because "No one else was around."