Using Car Seats in Taxis

image typical of child car seatsI haven't been a grandpa for long, but little children are suddenly interesting for me again. They seem to catch my attention more easily and this was the case a few days ago while I was driving in Nanaimo. The little boy involved was sitting on his mother's lap while they rode in the back seat of a taxi.

Q&A - Impersonation

Q&A ImageIt's drivers licence renewal time. You organize and drop by the nearest ICBC Driver Service Center to pay your renewal fee, have your picture taken and leave with your temporary new licence with the promise that you will receive your picture licence in them mail shortly. For most of us, that's the scenario.

Q&A - Traffic Ticket Not Signed by Officer, How to Proceed?

Q&A ImageI received a traffic ticket in July 2012.  I disputed the ticket.  After reading articles on this site I decided to write to the officer requesting disclosure to prepare for traffic court.  I pulled out the ticket and discovered that the officer did not sign the ticket.  I've read posts on this forum indicating that this renders the ticket invalid.

I'm OK and You Are Not OK

Road RageWe were exposed to many ideas during training at the RCMP's Depot Division in Regina. A lecture that I do recall was presented by a pyschologist who taught us about transactional analysis. One of the life positions we learned about, I'm OK and you are not OK, seems to be common on our highways.