RESOURCE - Driving With Us

Wallace Driving School logoThe Driving With Us archive contains articles written by Steve Wallace, owner of Wallace Driving School. Steve shares valuable insights into defensive driving with readers and sometimes slips in an opinion or two. The articles also appear regularly in the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper. In either format, the articles are always worth your time to read and consider.


Is the Legal Minimum Tire Tread Depth Enough?

TireNo doubt this morning was an intensely exciting one for a driver that I passed by. She had obviously done some panicked steering on the rain soaked highway judging from the marks in the median and the amount of grass and mud in the fast lane. Others had already stopped to help and aside from being stuck in the median she and her vehicle appeared relatively unharmed.

Blame the Driver, Not the Highway

SoapboxAfter many horrific motor vehicle crashes in our province comes a call for highway improvements. For the most part, the call should be for driver improvements instead. Traveling past the site of one such recent incident in my neighbourhood it struck me that inappropriate speed, failing to maintain space margins, lack of lane discipline and poor communication needs to be improved before the highway does.

Q&A - Tire Pressure Management Systems

Q&A ImageI am purchasing a set of winter tires and rims for my truck. My truck is a 2007 ford ranger. It comes standard with TPMS system. I have read that according to DOT it is mandatory in new vehicles since 2007. However Transport Canada's answer seems to be less specific and refers to the individual provinces licensing for "regulations" regarding TPMS.

Q&A - Pass On Right, Failing to Yield to Left Turn

Q&A ImageI am tired of trying to make a left turn at an intersection and having the opposing traffic going around the other guy that is also trying to turn left. I can't seem to finish my turn till we run out of cars. I am talking about intersections without lights. I've asked the local sergeant but he's not sure what to do about it.