Q&A - Pushing a Motorcycle on the Sidewalk

motorcycleI am aware that it is against regulations to park or stop on a sidewalk. Is 'Pushing' covered under the motor vehicle act? (pushing with the vehicle turned off and not riding in any way)

For example, say a motorcycle runs out of fuel, and the vehicle operator feels that leaving the motorcycle on the road wouldn't be the best thing to do, and that pushing the motor vehicle on the road seems unsafe.

What is a Highway?

image of a highwayMost people would describe a highway as a stretch of lined pavement that is meant to drive vehicles on, especially outside of municipal areas. This is a highway, but it is only a narrow part of the whole definition.

Radar and Laser Detectors

Radar DetectorI was asked what I thought about radar and laser detectors again today and why the government has not seen fit to outlaw them. It's an interesting question and definitely has as many answers as there are people to express an opinion. Let's take a look at it from the point of view of a mixed message delivered to drivers that may serve to promote a bad attitude.

VIEWPOINT - Benefits of lane filtering

motorcycleMy Definition of Lane filtering:  When a motorcycle moves through traffic in between stationary vehicles.

Being a Driver in England I am very familiar with filtering through stopped traffic, as as Car driver I would allow space for motorcycles to pass. As a Motorcycle Driver I would drive very slowly between the vehicles (under 10kph) 

PHOTOS OF CONCERN - Rotten Frame and Suspension

cameraOn July 4th, 2013 this vehicle was stopped near Sayward, B.C. The owner was quite upset that the vehicle was towed. Below is a picture of what was left of the rear spring shackle, the other side was no better. Also note the cracks in the frame. This was a 2003 Chevy S-10. The rest of the vehicle was in fair condition.

Q&A - Bicycle Lane Speed Limits

Q&A ImageI understand that when driving in a bike lane the speed limit is 30km/hr. However the signage for these can be confusing at times I find. Here in North Vancouver for example there are narrow residential roads with images of a bike and two arrows painted directly on the road. This isn't a bike ONLY lane as it's more in the middle of the road with the traffic and is not bound by white lines.

How Heavy is Your Camper?

image of a Truck and CamperOne of my friends stopped to visit last weekend and showed me his truck and camper. You should write about this because people need to know how to be safe he said. He had switched from a one ton truck with single rear tires to one with dual rear tires. It made a big difference in stability and gave him a larger margin between the actual weight and the maximum weight allowed for the vehicle.

The Older Pedestrian

Walk SignalOlder pedestrians are less likely to survive a collision than younger people. It is also a fact of life that aging brings with it a reduction in perceptual abilities such as poorer vision, depth perception and increased chance of confusion. Add bad walking habits to the mix and an already risky situation becomes worse. All of the things that we teach our children to survive in traffic are equally applicable to older pedestrians.

Q&A - Too Deep in Debt to Drive

ICBC LogoI am an employment counsellor with a First Nations Employment Service in BC.  Many of my clients were young and foolish when they started driving and got caught without a license or insurance and they kept doing this until they owe thousands of dollars.  This problem is interfering with their ability to earn a living as adults.  Is there a process whereby they can make payments to get their license back?